August 5,2024.
I added a photo gallery page.
I created a page to showcase the photos I've taken as a hobby. Although I'm at a beginner level, I'm working hard to make each shot beautiful, so please take a look!

August 5,2024.
I created a page to showcase the photos I've taken as a hobby. Although I'm at a beginner level, I'm working hard to make each shot beautiful, so please take a look!
August 3,2024.
To support both Japanese and English, I implemented a language switch using i18next. This was my first time using language switching in Astro, but the usability of i18n itself was very good, allowing for a smooth implementation.
August 1,2024.
I wanted to create a site that could be used openly, separate from my portfolio site. This time, I've made various contents available that are not found on the portfolio site, such as 'announcements' and 'photo galleries'.
July 27,2024.
The result was that we won in multiple categories. Version 4 of the site, which featured 3D scenes as its main element, is particularly special to me.